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Is AGROCOL FORTE developed for use in general cleaning of greenhouse materials or greenhouses? Can I get information on how to use the product? AGROCOL FORTE - Hygiene Provider in Agriculture
Much less binding than you stated when we tested with the Hampshire Method. From where? DECOLIN DC - Dyeing Efficiency Regulator
Can reactive cotton be used in washing baths after dyeing? DECOLIN DC - Dyeing Efficiency Regulator
How can we remove the remaining hypochlorite from machine washing? Hypochlorite Residue Test Kit
About the hypochlorite residue Hypochlorite Residue Test Kit
It measures how much and how accurately. Hydrogen Peroxide (%) Test Kit
Do textile silicone softeners contain nonionic raw materials? Surfactant Detection Assay - Nonionicity
About nonionic detergent residue in textile finishing Detergent Residue Determination Kit - Nonionic Detergents
About anionic detergent residue in textile finishing Detergent Residue Test Kit - Anionic Detergents
What is Surfactant (Surface Active Agent) ? Surfactant Detection Assay - Anionicity
We use white vinegar. Can this kit be used for the detection of chloric acid in vinegar? Detection of Chloric Acid in Acetic Acid Kit
Does the chloric acid test in buffer acids give accurate results with this test kit? Detection of Chloric Acid in Acetic Acid Kit
About the detection of sulfuric acid in acetic acid Detection of Sulphuric Acid in Acetic Acid Kit
About the detection of chloric acid in acetic acid Detection of Chloric Acid in Acetic Acid Kit
Are additional materials required to test the percentage of acetic acid? Acetic Acid Percent Test Kit